Innover Labs

Industrializing Machine Learning to Drive Efficiency Across People, Processes and Products

Industrializing Machine Learning is the systematic integration of machine learning processes and techniques into various facets of an organization’s operations to enhance efficiency, scalability, and strategic decision-making. We stand at the threshold of a significant transformation, thanks to purpose-built machine learning platforms and tools designed to streamline and automate the deployment of machine learning models […]

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8 Reasons Generative AI is Topping the Interest Charts of Businesses

Generative AI has the potential to transform businesses significantly. Listed below are 8 business benefits of Generative AI that are propelling the adoption of the technology across industries. Generative AI is a type of AI that generates new and unique content drawn from the data available. It falls in the broad category of machine learning […]

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What is live commerce and how to conquer it?

Live commerce is poised to revolutionize business operations, reshaping customer interactions from passive to engaging, fostering deeper connections that breed loyalty and trust. Brands can embrace this dynamic concept to showcase products, engage in real-time conversations, and create immersive experiences that redefine the shopping journey. In the ever-evolving landscape of retail, a revolutionary concept has […]

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6 Steps to Embrace Intelligent Process Automation

Intelligent Process Automation has become a must-have capability for businesses to cope with the constantly evolving demands for agility, precision, consistency, flexibility, and scalability. Businesses that wish to derive the maximum value out of their IPA investments need to ensure that their IPA implementations are designed and deployed correctly. Automation has become a pressing mandate […]

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Top Technologies Powering Intelligent Process Automation and Their Use

Demand for agility, flexibility, and scalability is driving businesses to embrace Intelligent Process Automation across functions and processes. This foray into integrating IPA to drive intelligent automation is powered by a combination of technologies such as Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Cognitive Automation, Process Mining, Predictive Analytics, and Cloud Computing. Digital transformation is […]

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How Embracing Innovation as a Service Gives Businesses an Edge Over Peers

Innovation as a service empowers organizations to build a robust digital core around services, elevate customer experiences, and relentlessly outpace their competitors in the ever-evolving business landscape. The business landscape is a fierce battleground, where outdated practices and stagnant thinking are swiftly rendered obsolete. Innovation is the lifeblood that keeps companies agile, adaptable, and resilient […]

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5 Must Have Capabilities Your Tax Technology Provider Should Possess

Tax leaders are facing significant challenges and ambiguity in today’s rapidly evolving global tax climate owing to the frequently changing global and local tax reforms such as – OECD, BEPS 2.0, new EU tax regulations or the changing regulations in the US tax regime. Tax departments have to always be on their toes and keep […]

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Tech Trends Set to Transform Technology, Media & Telecom industry in 2023

Organizations in technology, media, and telecommunications are at the center of the digital economy. As per Mckinsey organizations in these industries create more economic profit than any other sector of the global economy. Yet, they are not immune to market volatility, global dislocations, inflation, increased interest rates, taxation, regulations, disruptions due to pandemics and other […]

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Intelligent and Cognitive Technologies Set to Redefine Human-Machine Collaboration

Can computers think the same as humans? Computers may be able to anticipate lies more accurately than humans, forecast weather patterns, predict heart attacks before doctors or optimize inventory levels for businesses, but yet aren’t as intellectual as humans. While it will take many more years for machines to exactly replicate humans and human behavior, […]

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Tech Trends Expected to Encapsulate the Energy and Utilities Industry in 2023

The Energy and Utilities industry has long been known for its business stability, dependability, and predictability. However, in recent decades, organizations have been forced to transform the way energy is produced, delivered, and consumed across the value chain due to upheavals such as supply chain disruptions, changing customer expectations, and new regulatory frameworks. Organizations need […]

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