Digital Experiences

How AI is Profitably Transforming Digital Experiences

The evolution of artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the business landscape. On one hand, AI is driving unprecedented efficiencies and capabilities, transforming operations and boosting productivity. On the other hand, it is enabling the creation of highly personalized, memorable experiences that enhance brand loyalty and drive repeat business. Dive into our blog to discover how AI […]

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How Spatial Computing is Going to Give Rise to a New Era of UI/UX

The developments in spatial computing are set to redefine the way we interact with digital interfaces giving rise to a new era of UI/UX, making digital interactions more immersive and intuitive. In the world of technology, something really exciting is happening. It’s called spatial computing, and it’s re-envisioning how we interact with digital devices and […]

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What is live commerce and how to conquer it?

Live commerce is poised to revolutionize business operations, reshaping customer interactions from passive to engaging, fostering deeper connections that breed loyalty and trust. Brands can embrace this dynamic concept to showcase products, engage in real-time conversations, and create immersive experiences that redefine the shopping journey. In the ever-evolving landscape of retail, a revolutionary concept has […]

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The Upcoming Wave of Contactless, Speech, and Gesture-Driven Experiences

The digital landscape is a dynamic, ever-evolving realm that constantly challenges the status quo. As technology advances, it brings forth a new wave of user experiences that are contactless, speech-driven, and gesture-based. These interfaces are poised to redefine the foundation of human-technology interactions, marking a turning point in how we interact with digital devices. Moreover, […]

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Digital Experiences that drive Organizational Success

Every business is an experience business. Customers not only purchase the products or services an organization offers, but the whole experience in every interaction with all digital touch points, across all stages: awareness, engagement, purchase, post-purchase. McKinsey’s Next in Personalization Report highlighted that 71% of consumers expect companies to deliver personalized interactions while 76% get […]

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Future of Digital Commerce: Trends to watch out for in 2022

Digital commerce has performed impressively even though the pandemic stifled most industries. As per the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), digital or eCommerce grew from 16% to 19% in 2020. The impressive run is going to continue with more and more digital commerce platforms entering the fray propelled by rapid digitization and […]

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How Immersive Commerce is Changing the Retail Ecosystem

Covid-19 gave e-commerce and digital transformation adoption an unprecedented boost. E-commerce alone grew by leaps and bounds – empowering retailers across the globe to carry on business as usual. The traditional retailers who earlier sold their products and services through brick-and-mortar stores switched to digital marketplaces, web and mobile applications to do trade. From groceries […]

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Customer Data Platforms (CDPs): The Holy Grail of Customer Experience

The days of “usual business” are over. The pandemic has accelerated major business trends – such as the mass switch to e-commerce and automated customer service – by a decade or more. Customers are gravitating towards touchless experiences which are secure, warm and unique. Hence, organizations are exploring new ways of interacting with customers and […]

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Conversational AI: The Next Frontier for Connected Experiences

Gartner predicts that by 2022, 70% of customer interactions will involve emerging technologies such as machine learning (ML) applications, chatbots and mobile messaging. The smart-algorithm driven text and voice interfaces are unravelling the tangled vines in customer experience management. Businesses are leveraging these interfaces to gain insights into customers’ needs and wants. This can help […]

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How Frictionless Omnichannel Digital Customer Experience Can Propel Business Growth

Delivering an enjoyable omnichannel digital customer experience is no more a choice but a business imperative for organizations. Customer loyalty is no longer dictated by price or product but by the kind of experience, customers receive from brands. Today, digital consumers enjoy navigating a wide range of channels and shopping journeys, which makes it imperative […]

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